Saturday, December 18, 2010


IM ENGAGED and couldn't be happier!!!!

That's me and Kyle after the proposal.

The ring <3

Let's see the proposal happened last Saturday around 3:00. We were on on a pub crawl with all of our friends and when we got to our first bar, 15 minutes in, he kept hugging me (because my family was walking in the door and didn't want me to see them) then he whispered in my ear you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you and he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! (How stinkin cute). It was the most amazing moment in my life thus far. To make it even better not only were my friends there but my family surprised me by being there too.

I can't wait to start planning the wedding and I'm hoping to use this blog as I a way to document the process. I want to be able to look back at this time and be able to remember all of the details. I hope you guys will bear with me through this loonngg process. Yay! That is all for now! Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What I've been doing!(Lottsss of pictures)

Well I've been pretty busy lately with work and just everyday life. Here is a little recap of what's been happening in my life for the past couple of weeks.

-I started a new job about 2 months ago which requires me to travel some. So far I've been to NYC and Washington DC. All in all it's great and I'm loving it!

Times Square

The singing Cowboy

Singing in the middle of Times Square

One of my favorite stores EVER!!

The Capitol Building

-Me and the bridesmaids hosted my sister's Bridal Shower.

The bridesmaids before she arrived

After she walked in-SURPRISED!

Toilet paper wedding dress game

My sister's AWESOME hat

Side view

-I went to an Ohio State vs Miami tailgate. My boyfriend's cousin went to college there so she invited us. It was like nothing I have ever experienced! It was awweessommee!

Decked out in Ohio State gear!

Me and the boyfriend

This place was paacckeeddd


Well I think this post is wayyyy too long and if you're still with me, well I commend you. Hope everyone had a great weekend and is gearing up for the week ahead!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Don't worry I'm still here!

As some of you know I recently started a new job about 2 months ago. Booyyyy has it been crazy. Between starting my new job and my sister's wedding in November, my time is pretty much consumed! I am loving my new job and I get to travel about 1-2 a a month. I finally feel as if I'm beginning my career and not just some job. Along with the technical things I am learning at my new job, I am also learning a lot about myself. I feel like I am "growing" up into an adult.

I've always considered myself pretty outgoing, but HATED (and I mean hated)asking questions when I was in an unfamiliar situation or when I felt I had the wrong answer. This job has taught me to ask a billion questions. Since, it is unfamiliar territory I must ask questions in order to succeed. Also, with traveling so much I often have to ask where to get a cab, how to get to a particular place, etc. I truly feel soo blessed for this wonderful opportunity. I am forming friendships with my co-workers and I am constantly meeting new people (which I LOVE)! All in the all these past 2 months have flown by. Other then that nothing too exciting has been going on. I will try and keep you all updated in what is going on. Hope everyone is doing great!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Welp! Today Is My Last Day....

Today is my last day of work and I am having so many mixed emotions! I have been with this company for 5 years now and today is soo bittersweet for me. I have formed personal relationships with each and every person and it will be weird to come to work and not see their faces. On the other hand, I am beginning a new job on Monday in a completely new city. This position is in the field that I studied in so I feel as if I've accomplished something in the past four years. I'm excited that I am going to learn new things and meet new people, but its still hard to leave the familiar. One of my biggest fears is getting lost in the city. AHHHHH!! Me and my mom are doing a "test" run tomorrow morning during morning rush hour to see what train to take and roads to walk. Soo all in all I'm ready for new beginnings!

Monday, July 12, 2010

My New Chapter!

Ok Ok Ok sooo I know I have been the MOST horrible blogger right now but I've been crazy busy with sooo many things going on. Hmm let's see where I do even begin to fill you all in on what's been happening with me (not that you all care, buutttt oh well). Within the past week 2 of my best girlfriends got engaged to 2 of the most amazing guys ever! I am sooo estactic for both of them. Congratulations to you both!! Moving right along my sister is getting married in November soooo now is the time that my mom and grandmom become CRAZY!! "We gotta plan this, do that, do this" Geez do I ever get a break?? Not that I am not happy for my sister because I couldn't be any happier for her, it's just she lives 2 hours away so I get to hear ALLLLL of the craziness..whew! Let's see in other IMPORTANT news (and why this title is what it is)...I GOT MY START DATE FOR THE NEW JOB!!! I start a week from today and I am soooo frickin nervous!! I will be working in the city which=taking public this should be interesting....I am wayyyy excited though. I finally feel like the last four years are paying off and I am actually in the field that I studied in. Yay to new beginnings and chapters!!

Hmm this past weekend my mom came shopping with me to pick up some new work clothes since I don't really have too many. It was nice to spend some quality time with her! It will be sad to leave her after this week (I have worked with her since I was 17). I thoroughly enjoy our morning/evening car rides to/from work. That's where we do ALOT of our talking. It will be weird next Monday morning hopping in my car and driving to the speedline (with no one to talk to :( ) and going to work by myself. My mom is one of my best friends so I definitely think this will be hard on both of us. Thankfully she is totally supportive! Love you mom!!

Soooo if you are still reading I commend you!! are coming. One of my friends who is a Marine and is stationed in Japan (and one of the guys above mentioned engaged) came home on leave so a bunch of us decided to go to the city to celebrate his return. Can I just say I had WAYYYY too much fun. My friends are absolutely amazing!! Ok Ok here are some pictures...

Me and my other half at the train station

My heart

Best Friends for 10 years now. love them

My Tennessee buddy who I love

Girl's Picture trying to catch the 1:30 train haha

All of us at the diner at 3:30..great night

Overall everything has been amazing here and I am just enjoying time with my friends and family. I thank God every day for everything he has blessed me with. I hope you are all having a fantastic week.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ahhh Sooo Excited!!

Good afternoon bloggy friends. Hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday...I know I am! This past weekend was amazing. It was my Graduation Party AND Father's special. Anywho Saturday afternoon my Graduation Party started around 4:00 and we were expecting anywhere between 75-100 people. Talk about in all my glory 75-100 there to celebrate me! Talk about AWESOME!! Anyway we had a DJ that arrived at 6:00 with a kareoke machine and we also had a slushie machine (talk about a big hit). Everyone had a blast on the kareoke machine that we even paid the DJ extra money to stay an extra hour. Ha..I had the time of my life and I am soooo thankful for all of the amazing people that are in my life!! Of course this post comes equipped with pictures so here ya go!

Me and GiGi

Me and my sister

Me and the most wonderful woman who helped shaped who I am today..My mom

My girls=My heart

He has stood by my side through everything

Now on to why I am having such an amazing day....I GOT A JOB OFFER!! I am sooo excited and can not wait to see what the next chapter of my life brings :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

From the past to the present.

So last night was my youngest brother's 8th grade Graduation. As I sat in the audience looking at the stage, I remembered what it was like sitting in those very chairs just a short 8 years ago. I feel like it was yesterday that I was graduating 8th grade and moving on to high school. It amazing to see how far I have come in these past 8 years.

In 8th grade, my emotions were allll over the place and I had what I thought would be friends for a lifetime. Upon entering high school some of my "closest" friends moved on to new friends as I did too. All throughout high school I maintained a close knit of about 4 other girls which we considered ourselves "The Fab 5." To this day I am still extremely close with these girls. We met in 7th grade when I moved and have never looked back.

During high school I had my heart broken more times then I can count. I never thought I would find anything that loved me for me. Fast forward to senior year where I met Kyle, my current boyfriend. He was/is the most amazing person and 4 1/2 years later I know what true love is.

Now 8 years after 8th grade I have graduated college with an Accounting degree and am looking for my first "big girl" job. I am soo happy with the way my life is panning out and am soooo excited for what is to come. I have been through alot these past 8 years but those experiences are what makes me who I am. Well everyone have a wonderful Thursday and thanks for reading my rant. :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Patience is NOT one of my virtues!

Hii bloggy friends!! So this week so far has been spent with an anxious ball in the pit of my stomach. I don't want to jinx anything so I'm keeping details under wraps, but just know I am hoping to hear good news by the end of this week. Cross your fingers for me please because if I do get the good news, it would truly be an amazing opportunity!! Ahh..I'm going nuts waiting!! Anyway I can't believe it's ONLY Weds. I woke up thinking it was Thursday (dont ya hate that.. ugh). I am sooo looking forward to this weekend. Friday night a group of my friends (and my b/f's cousin who lives in TN and I rarely get to see her) are going to the Phillies game!! Yay! Then Saturday afternoon is MY Graduation party. I can't even describe the excitement for that. We're expecting 75-100 people throughout the day and my mom even rented a DJ and a slushie/margarita machine! She is the BESTEST mom in the ENTIRE world!! Thanks mom!!! Well keep your fingers crossed for me and hope for the best. Thank you!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back from Vacation!!

I know it's Wednesday and I told you all I would be back on Monday, but between crazy work and unpacking, it has just taken all of my energy!! Anyway, vacation was AMAZING!! We had sunny weather everyday and it only thunderstormed 1 night. It was actually pretty neat because our condo was oceanfront so we got to see the lightening right over the ocean (talk about beautiful). I don't have a ton of pictures because my camera broke the first day we were there (sad, I know). Let's me do a recap of my awesome weekend. Well at 12:30 AM Weds. night (thurs. morning) the 9 of us loaded our 2 cars and headed out. Within the first hour we were all passssssed out except our 2 drivers (thank god, that may have been a problem). Anywho we arrived at our beloved Southern House of Pancakes around 9:45 and ate breakfast. We then went to the hotel, checked in and went food shopping. This was the view from our condo (talk about amazing!)

Thursday night we went to an all you can eat seafood buffet which was delish! I ate soo many crab legs (which are my favorite) so I was quite happy and fat :). This picture is me and the girls before we went to dinner.

Friday we spent a good amount of the day on the beach, then relaxed for the second half. Friday night was our "big" night out so we went to Broadway at the Beach (which had a ton of different bars) We went to this one place called Crocodile Rocks (if you're ever in Myrtle Beach you have to RUN not WALK to this place) They had 2 pianos on stage in which 2 musicians were dueling. It was amazing. Friday night was awesome night that lasted until 5:00 AM (whew we were soo tired the next day). Kyle won me a monkey from the water gun game. I thought that was soo sweet but I figured a little girl could use it more then me so I gave it to a girl walking by (I think I made her night).

Me and the girls out front of Hard Rock Cafe at Broadway at the Beach.

The rest of the weekend was spent relaxing and eating good food and being with friends. I loved every minute of it and wish I could go back! Well if you are still awake at this point, I commend you considering this post is entirely way toooo long! Hope everyone enjoys their hump day!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In aprrox. 9 minutes...

I'LL BE ON VACATION!!! Me and 8 of my friends are packing the car up tonight around midnight and heading out for Myrtl Beach. Last year the drive took about 9 hours so hopefully this year won't be any different. We'll get there around 9-10AM go get breakfast then go to the condo and check in. I've been under sooo much stress lately with trying to find a job that this vacation is exactly what I need to help me make some decisions. Hopefully it will be nice and I will get some MAJOR beach time!! Anywho I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week and I will be back on Tuesday. Bon Voyage!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

I know I've been gone..

I feel like I've been gone foorreevverrr!! Sorry guys...but I had another death in the family. The boyfriend's grandmother had passed away last weekend so the beginning of the week was spent paying respects and such. On a more positive note I bought my BRAND NEW car a week ago!!! I absolutely love everything about it! I finally decided on a white 2010 Mazda3 top of the line. It came fully loaded and I got a reaaallyy good deal on it. I consider this my first "big girl" car because I completely bought and financed this one on my own!!! Yay to me!

I have other exciting news but I just can't share it with you yet because nothing is final. As soon as it is, you guys will be the first to know. Ahhh I'm basically ripping at the seams to tell ya. Oh well it'll just have to wait!

Last Sunday me and 2 girlfriends drove about an hour to the outlets in Limerick, PA. If anyone lives remotely close to there RUN don't walk to the outlets because they have so many store with such great deals. I haven't had a chance to upload pictures of the things I bought but I will (I promise).

I have nothing exciting planned for this weekend BUT this coming Weds. me and 8 of my friends are packing up the car and driving to Myrtle Beach for a much needed long weekend. I cannot frickin wait!! We have a 3 bedroom condo right on the ocean. Heaven?I think so. Well I hope you are all enjoying this fantastic weekend!

My new car Mindy on the lot!!

Me and Mindy right after I bought it!

Way to ruin the picture mom lol

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Soo I promised pictures!

Ok so I promised pictures and as of right now I only have graduation pictures so I hope you enjoy them. Graduation was this past Friday and it was absolutely perfect!! My first ceremony was outside and the second ceremony was inside. I was soo happy for my family that came out to support me. Thank you guys!! Anyway here are some pictures!

I'm officially a graduate!!

Me and Gi (grandmother) who is honestly one of my best friends

My niece in the crowd

Me and my siblings before graduation <3

My parents and me before graduation!!! <3

Me and Kyle. He is truly amazing and has supported me through this entire journey. We've been together since we were seniors in high school and it has been the best 4 1/2 years of my life!! Thank you babe for always standing by my side. I love you!

Hope you guys enjoyed them!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

OK...I know..I'm Horrible!

So I know I have been slaccckkiinnggg with posting it's just my life was craazzzyyy busy!! I graduated college on Friday with honors and I am sooo super excited to be done. To make the weekend better my grades were posted and I got all A's (yay for me!). Anywho I'll do a little recap of my weekend and at a later date will post TONS of pictures for you guys to look at. Again my apologies for being such a poopy blogger. Now on to my weekend.

Friday: Obviously was at my graduation all day. Luckily it didn't rain and didn't become sunny until the last half hour of graduation (thank god since I had to wear a black robe and cap. My family and I went to Olive Garden afterwards and my grandmom gave me my graduation present which was a really neat ring (pictures to come later.

Saturday: I had one of my high school best friend's graduation party. It was beautiful on Saturday so it was really nice to sit outside and enjoy the weather and everyone's company. Later on I had another graduation party for a dear friend who I consider my brother. All-in-all I had a nice day!

Sunday: I cleaned and relaxed. My mom made dinner for the family so I got to spend some quality time with all of them. We then proceeded to watch the Flyers and Phillies game. I'm suupppeerr excited the Flyers won and now let's just hope they keep it up!

Well I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and I will be back sometime soon to post pictures of the past few weeks!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm bbbacccckkkk!!

I know its been a little while since I have posted but I've been EXTREMELY busy!! First, as most of you know I lost a dear person to my heart. Just always remember to cherish those closest to you because you never know when they will be taken.

On a positive not..IM FINALLY DONE COLLEGE!! This past week was my last week of finals ever (well until I decide if I'm going to Grad school) and I couldn't be any more excited!!! I feel soo relieved and happy to finally be done. It has been a looonnggg hard journey but I am glad I got through it. On an even more positive note...I'm graduating with Honors!! Wahooo to me! lol.

This weekend is quite a busy weekend for me. Today I will be driving down to Delaware to present my best friend with a stoll at her ceremony. I feel incredibly honored as she could've picked anyone and you chose me. We've been best friends since I move here in 7th grade and she's my other half. I am soo proud of her for completely this college journey of hers!! Congratulations Amanda!! Love you!

Saturday will be spent with the boy test driving cars (I can't wait to get a new car, as I am buying myself it as a graduation present. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should look at that has 4 doors please leave a comment below! Thanks! Then a coworker of mine just had a baby so me and my mom will be going to see his little bundle of joy! Well that's all I got for ya today...Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Sorry I have not blogged in quite some time. A close friend of the family who was only 24 passed away this past Friday so I've been dealing with. I will post at a later date with a more uplifting post.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weekend update!

Ok so I know it's already Tuesday and I am just NOW doing a weekend update but with the craziness of life happening, this is my first chance. Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and your work week is coming along nicely. Let's see this weekend...Friday was a nice quite night. I went shopping with my mom and got quite a few things. One thing in particular was my graduation outfit (which by the way is adorable and I am super psyched about it). I got a few summer shirts because the store was having a great sale. It was nice to finally get to spend some alone time with my mom since our schedules rarely allow it.

Saturday: During the day my sister was home so we ran to the mall and did some errands together which was super nice. I don't get to see her that often so when I do I love it! I swear this weekend was all about family. Each day I got to spend it with someone new for which I am very appreciative. Saturday night we went to Dave and Buster's so everyone in my sister's bridal party could meet. (She has 21 people in her bridal party..whew talk about a lot of people) Here are two pictures from the night. We had a blast meeting everyone and playing games!

Me and Kyle

Me and my cousin Erica

Sunday: It was my brother's 17th birthday (ugh I feel so old). So we had family over for a nice dinner, cake and presents. On Monday my brother got his license. Seriously where has the time gone. I feel like it was yesterday we were little kids playing together. Time does fly when you're having fun!

Well there's my weekend pretty full and busy. Now it is time for some relaxing which I have not done in forever! Goodnight!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Not enough hours in a day!

I can't believe how busy I have been the past week. Between working every day and going to school full-time, whew it's hard work. The semester is finally beginning to wind down which=tons of homework, projects, papers, and exams. Since this is my last semester as an undergrad I am really trying my hardest to stay focused! With that said my blog has taken a backseat to studying. I have to finish the semester strong in order to keep my GPA high so please excuse the lack of posts. What I hate most is not being able to keep up with all of you wonderful ladies on a daily basis. Well that's my rant for the day! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Soo this post will be a short one but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter!!!Enjoy the day today with family and friends. This afternoon I will be going to a Flyer's game and then family dinner tonight. I am soo excited!! Well everyone be safe in your travels today and have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Luggage!!! I may be a dork for getting excited about buying new luggage but this is my FIRST set of luggage that I have owned. What I mean is, every time I go on vacation I use my parents' luggage and I figured since I am going to be graduating college soon and living on my own, it was about time I purchased my own luggage. Anyway I have been wanting this 4-piece set from for about a year now. I figured now was the time to buy because 1. It was on sale and 2. I have a few vacations coming up in the Spring and Summer that I wanted it for. It is sooo adorably cute and I CANNOT WAIT until it gets here!!!

Here's a picture of it below...I ordered it from and clicked on 4-piece luggage sets and scrolled through and found this one. It's so cute!! I am such a girly girl and I love pink and polka dots so when I saw this I knew I HAD to have it!! It costs me $88.54 and that was with free shipping and 5% off so it's retail price is 92.99 and 2.99 shipping but you can find a code for free shipping!!

There is my soon to be new luggage. Can't wait for it to get here!! What do you think about it?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Wow I can't believe it is already Monday afternoon. The past week was extremely busy (hence the lack of posts). Since the semester is beginning to wind down I am having a ton of papers, projects, exams, etc. due. The past week was filled with all those things plus more. On a positive note I received a call about an interview but the position is in another state. Although it's about 2 hours away I'm quite nervous about possbily moving if I got the position. And if I got the position and had to move the BF won't move unless he were to get a job down there (understandably). I may be getting ahead of myself but I think about things like this all the time. I feel its better to be overprepared then underprepared!

My weekend was pretty busy as we were celebrating my boyfriend's birthday. Friday night we went to Carrabas (an Italian restaurant) where I paid for dinner. Me and my mom gave him his presents which consisted of a Phillies jersey, Phillies tickets, and money (Can you tell he's a Phillies fan lol). Saturday we went to a local bar where there was an 80's cover band which was awesome!! We both had a blast!! Sunday, like usual, I spent the ENTIRE day doing school work. BLEH! The next 6 weeks can't come soon enough!!

Anyway I hope all you lovely ladies have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend Recap!!

Sooo the past few days have been quite busy for me!! This weather this weekend was absolutely beautiful!! Starting Thursday I had a benefit for my brother's high school where they served us dinner at this fancy place and there was a Rod Stewart look-alike show. That was blast. Also included was an 85 basket chinese auction in which over 600 people attended. Ladies, these baskets were insane!! There was even an outdoor grill. Talk about some expensive prizes!!

Friday I spent the day shopping with my grandmom. We did breakfast at a local place and had an awesome time the rest of the day. I did buy some goodies which I will show later one!! At night there was a benefit for my best friend's brother who had passed away when we were sophmores in high school while serving our country. The money raised goes in a scholarship fund for a local senior football player. Anyway the best news of the night was my boyfriend won a 32" LCD TV. Wow we were surprised!! (He's always so gosh darn lucky.

Sunday I drove up to North Jersey to check out the place my sister and her fiance haved picked to have their reception at. We also attended a mass where the ceremony will be held and the church is absolutely beautiful. She will be able to get really nice pictures inside and out. Seeing these two places just made me even more excited for her!!

Anyway here are some of the things I purchased this weekend (yes they are all black and white and I know it is Spring but I couldn't help it!)

A white cardigan for chilly summer nights

I have been dying for a black pencil skirt and I finally found one!

Black and white top

Animal print dressy top

Animal print cardigan (love this one!)

This black jacket can go with anything, I absolutely love it!

Black necklace from Forever 21

MAC's Perennial High Style (which is my new favorite)!!

My niece Shayla came to visit (she cracks me up)

That's all for now. Back to studying and homework before class tomorrow!