Monday, July 12, 2010

My New Chapter!

Ok Ok Ok sooo I know I have been the MOST horrible blogger right now but I've been crazy busy with sooo many things going on. Hmm let's see where I do even begin to fill you all in on what's been happening with me (not that you all care, buutttt oh well). Within the past week 2 of my best girlfriends got engaged to 2 of the most amazing guys ever! I am sooo estactic for both of them. Congratulations to you both!! Moving right along my sister is getting married in November soooo now is the time that my mom and grandmom become CRAZY!! "We gotta plan this, do that, do this" Geez do I ever get a break?? Not that I am not happy for my sister because I couldn't be any happier for her, it's just she lives 2 hours away so I get to hear ALLLLL of the craziness..whew! Let's see in other IMPORTANT news (and why this title is what it is)...I GOT MY START DATE FOR THE NEW JOB!!! I start a week from today and I am soooo frickin nervous!! I will be working in the city which=taking public this should be interesting....I am wayyyy excited though. I finally feel like the last four years are paying off and I am actually in the field that I studied in. Yay to new beginnings and chapters!!

Hmm this past weekend my mom came shopping with me to pick up some new work clothes since I don't really have too many. It was nice to spend some quality time with her! It will be sad to leave her after this week (I have worked with her since I was 17). I thoroughly enjoy our morning/evening car rides to/from work. That's where we do ALOT of our talking. It will be weird next Monday morning hopping in my car and driving to the speedline (with no one to talk to :( ) and going to work by myself. My mom is one of my best friends so I definitely think this will be hard on both of us. Thankfully she is totally supportive! Love you mom!!

Soooo if you are still reading I commend you!! are coming. One of my friends who is a Marine and is stationed in Japan (and one of the guys above mentioned engaged) came home on leave so a bunch of us decided to go to the city to celebrate his return. Can I just say I had WAYYYY too much fun. My friends are absolutely amazing!! Ok Ok here are some pictures...

Me and my other half at the train station

My heart

Best Friends for 10 years now. love them

My Tennessee buddy who I love

Girl's Picture trying to catch the 1:30 train haha

All of us at the diner at 3:30..great night

Overall everything has been amazing here and I am just enjoying time with my friends and family. I thank God every day for everything he has blessed me with. I hope you are all having a fantastic week.

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