Saturday, May 29, 2010

I know I've been gone..

I feel like I've been gone foorreevverrr!! Sorry guys...but I had another death in the family. The boyfriend's grandmother had passed away last weekend so the beginning of the week was spent paying respects and such. On a more positive note I bought my BRAND NEW car a week ago!!! I absolutely love everything about it! I finally decided on a white 2010 Mazda3 top of the line. It came fully loaded and I got a reaaallyy good deal on it. I consider this my first "big girl" car because I completely bought and financed this one on my own!!! Yay to me!

I have other exciting news but I just can't share it with you yet because nothing is final. As soon as it is, you guys will be the first to know. Ahhh I'm basically ripping at the seams to tell ya. Oh well it'll just have to wait!

Last Sunday me and 2 girlfriends drove about an hour to the outlets in Limerick, PA. If anyone lives remotely close to there RUN don't walk to the outlets because they have so many store with such great deals. I haven't had a chance to upload pictures of the things I bought but I will (I promise).

I have nothing exciting planned for this weekend BUT this coming Weds. me and 8 of my friends are packing up the car and driving to Myrtle Beach for a much needed long weekend. I cannot frickin wait!! We have a 3 bedroom condo right on the ocean. Heaven?I think so. Well I hope you are all enjoying this fantastic weekend!

My new car Mindy on the lot!!

Me and Mindy right after I bought it!

Way to ruin the picture mom lol

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Soo I promised pictures!

Ok so I promised pictures and as of right now I only have graduation pictures so I hope you enjoy them. Graduation was this past Friday and it was absolutely perfect!! My first ceremony was outside and the second ceremony was inside. I was soo happy for my family that came out to support me. Thank you guys!! Anyway here are some pictures!

I'm officially a graduate!!

Me and Gi (grandmother) who is honestly one of my best friends

My niece in the crowd

Me and my siblings before graduation <3

My parents and me before graduation!!! <3

Me and Kyle. He is truly amazing and has supported me through this entire journey. We've been together since we were seniors in high school and it has been the best 4 1/2 years of my life!! Thank you babe for always standing by my side. I love you!

Hope you guys enjoyed them!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

OK...I know..I'm Horrible!

So I know I have been slaccckkiinnggg with posting it's just my life was craazzzyyy busy!! I graduated college on Friday with honors and I am sooo super excited to be done. To make the weekend better my grades were posted and I got all A's (yay for me!). Anywho I'll do a little recap of my weekend and at a later date will post TONS of pictures for you guys to look at. Again my apologies for being such a poopy blogger. Now on to my weekend.

Friday: Obviously was at my graduation all day. Luckily it didn't rain and didn't become sunny until the last half hour of graduation (thank god since I had to wear a black robe and cap. My family and I went to Olive Garden afterwards and my grandmom gave me my graduation present which was a really neat ring (pictures to come later.

Saturday: I had one of my high school best friend's graduation party. It was beautiful on Saturday so it was really nice to sit outside and enjoy the weather and everyone's company. Later on I had another graduation party for a dear friend who I consider my brother. All-in-all I had a nice day!

Sunday: I cleaned and relaxed. My mom made dinner for the family so I got to spend some quality time with all of them. We then proceeded to watch the Flyers and Phillies game. I'm suupppeerr excited the Flyers won and now let's just hope they keep it up!

Well I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and I will be back sometime soon to post pictures of the past few weeks!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm bbbacccckkkk!!

I know its been a little while since I have posted but I've been EXTREMELY busy!! First, as most of you know I lost a dear person to my heart. Just always remember to cherish those closest to you because you never know when they will be taken.

On a positive not..IM FINALLY DONE COLLEGE!! This past week was my last week of finals ever (well until I decide if I'm going to Grad school) and I couldn't be any more excited!!! I feel soo relieved and happy to finally be done. It has been a looonnggg hard journey but I am glad I got through it. On an even more positive note...I'm graduating with Honors!! Wahooo to me! lol.

This weekend is quite a busy weekend for me. Today I will be driving down to Delaware to present my best friend with a stoll at her ceremony. I feel incredibly honored as she could've picked anyone and you chose me. We've been best friends since I move here in 7th grade and she's my other half. I am soo proud of her for completely this college journey of hers!! Congratulations Amanda!! Love you!

Saturday will be spent with the boy test driving cars (I can't wait to get a new car, as I am buying myself it as a graduation present. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should look at that has 4 doors please leave a comment below! Thanks! Then a coworker of mine just had a baby so me and my mom will be going to see his little bundle of joy! Well that's all I got for ya today...Everyone have a wonderful weekend!