Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm bbbacccckkkk!!

I know its been a little while since I have posted but I've been EXTREMELY busy!! First, as most of you know I lost a dear person to my heart. Just always remember to cherish those closest to you because you never know when they will be taken.

On a positive not..IM FINALLY DONE COLLEGE!! This past week was my last week of finals ever (well until I decide if I'm going to Grad school) and I couldn't be any more excited!!! I feel soo relieved and happy to finally be done. It has been a looonnggg hard journey but I am glad I got through it. On an even more positive note...I'm graduating with Honors!! Wahooo to me! lol.

This weekend is quite a busy weekend for me. Today I will be driving down to Delaware to present my best friend with a stoll at her ceremony. I feel incredibly honored as she could've picked anyone and you chose me. We've been best friends since I move here in 7th grade and she's my other half. I am soo proud of her for completely this college journey of hers!! Congratulations Amanda!! Love you!

Saturday will be spent with the boy test driving cars (I can't wait to get a new car, as I am buying myself it as a graduation present. If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should look at that has 4 doors please leave a comment below! Thanks! Then a coworker of mine just had a baby so me and my mom will be going to see his little bundle of joy! Well that's all I got for ya today...Everyone have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Congrats on finishing college!!! That's wonderful! :)

    Sounds like a great weekend ahead of you! Have a great one!

  2. Glad you're back!! Congrats on being done school! That has to be an awesome feeling :-)

    I drive a mazda 3 and I'm pretty happy with it.. plus they're cute :-)

    Have an awesome weekend!

  3. Congrats on finishing school! I have one semester left so I'm jealous!
