Saturday, May 29, 2010

I know I've been gone..

I feel like I've been gone foorreevverrr!! Sorry guys...but I had another death in the family. The boyfriend's grandmother had passed away last weekend so the beginning of the week was spent paying respects and such. On a more positive note I bought my BRAND NEW car a week ago!!! I absolutely love everything about it! I finally decided on a white 2010 Mazda3 top of the line. It came fully loaded and I got a reaaallyy good deal on it. I consider this my first "big girl" car because I completely bought and financed this one on my own!!! Yay to me!

I have other exciting news but I just can't share it with you yet because nothing is final. As soon as it is, you guys will be the first to know. Ahhh I'm basically ripping at the seams to tell ya. Oh well it'll just have to wait!

Last Sunday me and 2 girlfriends drove about an hour to the outlets in Limerick, PA. If anyone lives remotely close to there RUN don't walk to the outlets because they have so many store with such great deals. I haven't had a chance to upload pictures of the things I bought but I will (I promise).

I have nothing exciting planned for this weekend BUT this coming Weds. me and 8 of my friends are packing up the car and driving to Myrtle Beach for a much needed long weekend. I cannot frickin wait!! We have a 3 bedroom condo right on the ocean. Heaven?I think so. Well I hope you are all enjoying this fantastic weekend!

My new car Mindy on the lot!!

Me and Mindy right after I bought it!

Way to ruin the picture mom lol


  1. Aww your new car is so cute! So happy for you. The white was the perfect color choice!

  2. Awww congrats! My car's 1 year birthday is coming up!! I remember when I picked him up like it was yesterday...he's sparkly white too ;)
