Friday, March 5, 2010

Goodbye Winter Blues

I, like many others, have packed on a few pounds over the past couple months. With it being Winter I tend to not eat as healthy because of all the holidays and such. Also, it's cold so most times I just want to be bundled up in a blanket watching TV. Weelll ladies Spring is almost here and I couldn't be any more excited!! And for me with Spring brings more exercising and losing some of that weight I put on. One thing that I have been pretty consistent with is...The Daily

The Daily Plate is an online tool that I use to keep track of what I eat. I've used this in the past and it has proved to be VERY beneficial for me. Many of us do not realize what we are putting into our bodies until we actually see it on paper (or the computer screen) The Daily Plate asks you to put in various information such as (height, weight, lbs you would like to lose a week, etc) and gives you an estimated calorie goal for each day. This site is customizable to fit your individual needs. They also have many other categories such as fitness, a support board, informative articles, etc. When you eat something you log it in and the daily plate keeps track of not only calories but also, sugar, sodium, protein, and their newest thing nutrients. It lets you know how many grams of each you should have in a day. Overall I absolutely LOVE this website. It helps me stay on track with healthy eating and keeps me motivated. I highly recommend taking a look at it.

Another thing that I have found I absolutely love doing is ZUMBA. It is like a latin aerobics class and it is soo much fun. It's a great workout without feeling like you are even working out. For those of you who hate treadmills and the such this class is perfect for you! I have been doing it for a year now and I love it. I have lost some weight and I am looking more toned. I would highly recommend trying to find a Zumba class nearby even to just try it. I know in my Zumba class the age range is from 21-71 so anyone can do it. No you do not need to know how to dance or even be coordinated, overall its a fun workout activity!

PS Thank god it is Friday!

Has anyone ever tried either one of these things before?? If so, let me know how you like/do not like them.

Everyone enjoy your weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. hey doll!! glad I found your blog :) I LOVE zumba workouts. I took dance class for a year a couple years ago and enjoyed it, but hated having to memorize routines. Signing up for zumba solved this problem, because it doesn't matter how silly you look or if you can't follow every move - you're there to get a workout in!

    I have never heard of the daily plate but I will definitely check it out! I'd be curious to find out how many calories I should be taking in a day.

